Am I Pregnant?

Published: July 28, 2024
Dear TeenHealth FX,
I had protected sex for the first time on July 16th. I should be expecting my period 3 days ago but I still haven't got it. Currently very anxious if i'm pregnant because my flow used to be very consistent but i had really stressful month too so I was thinking that might be the cause.
Signed: Am I Pregnant?

Dear Am I Pregnant?,

TeenHealth FX understands that this is a stressful time. Unfortunately, TeenHealth FX cannot diagnose or treat over the internet but based off your description it is unlikely you are pregnant. Using a condom is the best way to prevent pregnancy and STD’s, TeenHealth FX recommends using a condom during every sexual encounter. Also note, condoms are only 98% effective when used correctly and on every sexual encounter.

We recommend waiting until week three or four of your missed period to take the pregnancy test. Remember, when it comes to tracking your period, the first day of the period counts as day 1. Then, approximately 28 days (about 4 weeks) later would be the next period. In addition, if you start to experience symptoms of feeling very tired, nauseous, or hurtful cramps, it would also be a good idea to take an at home test to be sure.  

If you still have concerns and need help finding a doctor and live in northern New Jersey, you can call the Adolescent/Young Adult Center for Health at 973-971-5199 for an appointment with an adolescent medicine specialist.

Signed: TeenHealth FX
